Accounts endpoints
The endpoints in the Accounts group enable you to work with you Quantive Results account. You get information about the current account setting, subscription information, update the settings, confidence levels, notification settings, or change your account domain name.
Gets an account by its ID.
Returns the properties of the account, including name, domain, settings, subscription details
Name | Type | Description |
gtmhub-accountId * | string | Specifies the id of the gtmhub account. expected in header, sample value: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61 |
id * | string | Specifies the account ID. expected in path, sample value: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61 |
Expected response codes
200 | accountResponse |
400 | bad request |
401 | unauthorized |
402 | payment required |
403 | forbidden |
500 | internal server error |
curl -X GET '{id}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
var settings = { "url": "{id}", "method": "GET", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests
import requests, json
headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };
url = "{id}"
requests.get(url, headers = headers)
"accountMarketingInfo": {
"companySize": "string value",
"country": "string value",
"ownerJobFunction": "string value"
"billingSystem": "string value",
"companyDescription": {
"industry": "string value",
"sector": "string value",
"summary": "string value"
"confidenceSettings": {
"confidenceMapping": [
"color": "#ea80fc",
"name": "string value",
"range": {
"from": 2,
"to": 2
"confidenceType": "string value"
"csManaged": false,
"dateCreated": "string value",
"domain": "string value",
"edition": {
"activityHistoryLimit": 2,
"activityHistoryLimitUnit": "string value",
"features": [
"string value 1",
"string value 2"
"id": "string",
"isFree": false,
"name": "string value",
"planId": "string value",
"trialDuration": 2,
"usersMax": 2,
"usersMin": 2
"id": "string value",
"isActive": false,
"language": "string value",
"methodologySummary": "string value",
"methodologyType": "string value",
"name": "string value",
"notifications": {
"cadence": "string value",
"cadenceCheckIn": "string value",
"cadenceReports": "string value",
"checkinDeadline": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"reportOptions": {
"aggregatedReport": {
"excludeTeamIds": [
"excludeUserIds": [
"includeObjectivesWithoutKrs": false,
"timezone": "string value"
"controlDangerOnGoalConfidence": false,
"goalConfidenceToUpdateMetricLastUpdated": false,
"includeOpenSessions": false,
"includePeopleWithoutObjectives": false,
"includeSessionsWithoutMetrics": false,
"includeTeamsWithoutObjectives": false,
"okrUpdate": {
"excludeTeamIds": [
"excludeUserIds": [
"sendToTeamMembers": false,
"timezone": "string value"
"targetSessionIds": [
"reportsDeadline": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"retrospectiveMeeting": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"timezone": "string value"
"ownerId": "string value",
"products": [
"edition": "string value",
"id": "string value",
"type": "string value"
"saasSubscriptionId": "string value",
"settings": "string value",
"subscriptionId": "string value",
"subscriptionProvider": "string value",
"subscriptions": [
"acquisition_mode": "string value",
"addons": [
"addonAdded": "string value",
"addonId": "string value",
"name": "string value",
"trialEnds": "string value"
"allowCancellation": false,
"hasUsedTrial": false,
"isConverted": false,
"maxUserLimit": 2,
"signedUsersCount": 2,
"type": "string",
"usersAllowed": 2,
"usersCount": 2
"trackingProperties": {
"enableLiveChat": false,
"ignoreConversion": false,
"shouldTrack": false
"trialEnds": "string value",
"type": 2,
"useQuantiveAuth0Domain": false
Checks the availability of an account name and domain name.
Use this method to validate whether you can change you account name or domain to the desired ones
Name | Type | Description |
gtmhub-accountId * | string | Specifies the id of the gtmhub account. expected in header, sample value: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61 |
domainRequest | object | expected in body, sample value: { "accountName": "MyComanyAccount", "domain": "mycompany-okrs" } |
Expected response codes
204 | no content |
400 | bad request |
409 | conflict |
500 | internal server error |
curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
-d '{"accountName":"MyComanyAccount","domain":"mycompany-okrs"}'
var body ={ "accountName": "MyComanyAccount", "domain": "mycompany-okrs" };
var settings = { "url": "", "method": "POST", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
"data": body
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests
import requests, json
headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };
url = ""
body = { "accountName": "MyComanyAccount", "domain": "mycompany-okrs" };, data=json.dumps(body), headers = headers)
Updates the specified account (by ID) with the specified settings.
Name | Type | Description |
gtmhub-accountId * | string | Specifies the id of the gtmhub account. expected in header, sample value: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61 |
id * | string | Specifies the account ID. expected in path, sample value: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61 |
accountRequest * | object | expected in body, sample value: { "accountMarketingInfo": { "companySize": "string value", "country": "string value", "ownerJobFunction": "string value" }, "accountName": "MyAccount", "companyDescription": { "industry": "string value", "sector": "string value", "summary": "string value" }, "domain": "myaccount", "language": "English", "methodologySummary": "string value", "settings": "string value", "useQuantiveAuth0Domain": false } |
Expected response codes
200 | accountResponse |
400 | bad request |
401 | unauthorized |
402 | payment required |
403 | forbidden |
500 | internal server error |
curl -X PATCH '{id}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
-d '{"accountMarketingInfo":{"companySize":"string value","country":"string value","ownerJobFunction":"string value"},"accountName":"MyAccount","companyDescription":{"industry":"string value","sector":"string value","summary":"string value"},"domain":"myaccount","language":"English","methodologySummary":"string value","settings":"string value","useQuantiveAuth0Domain":false}'
var body ={ "accountMarketingInfo": { "companySize": "string value", "country": "string value", "ownerJobFunction": "string value" }, "accountName": "MyAccount", "companyDescription": { "industry": "string value", "sector": "string value", "summary": "string value" }, "domain": "myaccount", "language": "English", "methodologySummary": "string value", "settings": "string value", "useQuantiveAuth0Domain": false };
var settings = { "url": "{id}", "method": "PATCH", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
"data": body
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests
import requests, json
headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };
url = "{id}"
body = { "accountMarketingInfo": { "companySize": "string value", "country": "string value", "ownerJobFunction": "string value" }, "accountName": "MyAccount", "companyDescription": { "industry": "string value", "sector": "string value", "summary": "string value" }, "domain": "myaccount", "language": "English", "methodologySummary": "string value", "settings": "string value", "useQuantiveAuth0Domain": false };
requests.patch(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers = headers)
"accountMarketingInfo": {
"companySize": "string value",
"country": "string value",
"ownerJobFunction": "string value"
"billingSystem": "string value",
"companyDescription": {
"industry": "string value",
"sector": "string value",
"summary": "string value"
"confidenceSettings": {
"confidenceMapping": [
"color": "#ea80fc",
"name": "string value",
"range": {
"from": 2,
"to": 2
"confidenceType": "string value"
"csManaged": false,
"dateCreated": "string value",
"domain": "string value",
"edition": {
"activityHistoryLimit": 2,
"activityHistoryLimitUnit": "string value",
"features": [
"string value 1",
"string value 2"
"id": "string",
"isFree": false,
"name": "string value",
"planId": "string value",
"trialDuration": 2,
"usersMax": 2,
"usersMin": 2
"id": "string value",
"isActive": false,
"language": "string value",
"methodologySummary": "string value",
"methodologyType": "string value",
"name": "string value",
"notifications": {
"cadence": "string value",
"cadenceCheckIn": "string value",
"cadenceReports": "string value",
"checkinDeadline": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"reportOptions": {
"aggregatedReport": {
"excludeTeamIds": [
"excludeUserIds": [
"includeObjectivesWithoutKrs": false,
"timezone": "string value"
"controlDangerOnGoalConfidence": false,
"goalConfidenceToUpdateMetricLastUpdated": false,
"includeOpenSessions": false,
"includePeopleWithoutObjectives": false,
"includeSessionsWithoutMetrics": false,
"includeTeamsWithoutObjectives": false,
"okrUpdate": {
"excludeTeamIds": [
"excludeUserIds": [
"sendToTeamMembers": false,
"timezone": "string value"
"targetSessionIds": [
"reportsDeadline": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"retrospectiveMeeting": {
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday",
"disableConstraint": false,
"lastReminded": "string value",
"lastScheduled": "string value",
"periodStart": "string value",
"remindAt": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 2
"reportChannels": {
"email": false,
"mobile": false,
"msTeams": false,
"slack": false
"timezone": "string value"
"ownerId": "string value",
"products": [
"edition": "string value",
"id": "string value",
"type": "string value"
"saasSubscriptionId": "string value",
"settings": "string value",
"subscriptionId": "string value",
"subscriptionProvider": "string value",
"subscriptions": [
"acquisition_mode": "string value",
"addons": [
"addonAdded": "string value",
"addonId": "string value",
"name": "string value",
"trialEnds": "string value"
"allowCancellation": false,
"hasUsedTrial": false,
"isConverted": false,
"maxUserLimit": 2,
"signedUsersCount": 2,
"type": "string",
"usersAllowed": 2,
"usersCount": 2
"trackingProperties": {
"enableLiveChat": false,
"ignoreConversion": false,
"shouldTrack": false
"trialEnds": "string value",
"type": 2,
"useQuantiveAuth0Domain": false
Oops! Looks like there are no API calls of that type for this Endpoint